Lifespan Integration (LI) is a new method

that makes it possible to quickly heal people who have experienced disturbing events, including abuse or neglect.

  • Heals without causing additional trauma
  • Resolves ineffective behaviour
  • Creates self-confidence and well-being

Lifespan Integration is based on

people’s innate ability to heal themselves. It is very mild method that works at an extremely deep neurological level to alter old habitual behaviour patterns and defence mechanisms. LI therapy helps to connect unpleasant feelings and dysfunctional patterns with the memories from the past from where these feelings and strategies originate.

Lifespan Integration is used

as an affect bridge and a somatic bridge to track the memory associated with the current problem. The therapist guides the client in their imagination to return to the specific memory to deliver what is needed to resolve the situation.
Once the issue is resolved, the therapist leads the client through time to the present with the help of a timeline consisting of imaginative flashbacks from the client’s life. The timeline of flashbacks shows the client’s unconscious that time has passed and that life has moved on. This ‘evidence’ reaches a deeper level than is usually possible with only a conversation.

This method also works

with people who have difficultly remembering their past. During the therapy, the client who initially has memory lapses piece together parts of their life into a coherent whole.

Lifespan Integration provides effective and fast results with anorexia

and bulimia, and is also suitable for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Dissociative disorders (DID).

After Lifespan Integration therapy, people find

that they spontaneously react more age-appropriately in stressful situations. Following a series of LI sessions, clients have reported enjoying life more, being more at ease with themselves and have a greater capacity to appreciate relationships with those closest to them.

Therapists that work with this method:

Peter Hagerrot
David Schultz
Mahnaz Taheri
Bo Wikström

“Inom mig bär jag mina tidigare ansikten,
som ett träd har sina årsringar.
Det är summan av dem som är “jag” .
Spegeln ser bara mitt senaste ansikte,
jag känner av alla mina tidigare”.
Tomas Tranströmer ur självbiografin Minnena ser mig

“De behöver en känsla av skydd och trygghet;
att någon tar hand om dem när dom är små, så att de känner sig trygga.
Därnäst behöver de en känsla av att höra till någonstans,
i något slags familj, klan eller grupp…
För det tredje måste de få känna att någon tycker om dem
och att de är värda en smula kärlek.
Och för det fjärde måste de få uppleva respekt och aktning.
Det är ungefär allt.”
Abraham Maslow om barns behov

Don´t surrender your loneliness
So quickly.
Let it cut more deep.
Let it ferment and season you
As few human
Or even divine ingredients can.

Film Conception to Birth


Emmy Gut : Den Sunda Depressionen
Marlene E. Hunter : Understanding Dissociative Disorders – A Guide for Family Physicians and Health Care Professionals
Peggy Pace : Lifespan Integration : Connecting Ego States Through Time
Michael Talbot : The Holographic Universe
Catherine Thorpe : Case Studies in Lifespan Integration
Catherine Thorpe : The Healing Timeline – An accelerated counseling method for trauma and emotional healing
Catherine Thorpe : The Success and Strategies of Lifespan Integration: An Overview and Client Stories.
David Wallin : Attachment in Psychotherapy