Qualified psychologist
Qualified psychotherapist
Dasein Analyst
Tutor, coach, mentor
Director and contact person at Delphi Institute

“Your vulnerabiiity is your greatest strength”

Mobile phone: 0708-18 00 19
E-mail: bgwwikstrom@gmail.com


Has worked with psychotherapy since 1974
Involved in;
Centrum för Existentiell Psykoterapi (1976)
The Institute for Psychodynamic Therapy (1982)
Institutet för Transpersonell Psykologi (1995), the forerunner to the Delphi Institute.
Course director at Institutet för Analytisk Psykologi (1994-96), gave the institute’s first supervisor training
Member of the management team for NOC, the Nordic Conference:
“Exploring the Spiritual Dimension” at the Department of Psychology,
Stockholm University, 1999.
Vice chairman of EUROTAS, European Transpersonal Association 1999-2002
Member of the Swedish National Association of Psychotherapy Centers, (RPC), Hypnosföreningen (SFKH), EMDR and ISIS, a non-profit association for professionals working with victims of sexual abuse and abusers and their families.
Currently works at the Delphi Institute with
psychotherapy, psychotherapy supervision, and director of Stage 1 training (TPU).
Coaching: individual and group. Gives workshops for management teams.


Qualified psychologist
Qualified psychotherapist
Course at Centrum för Existentiell Psykoterapi till Daseinsanalytiker
Qualified “Group Facilitator” with Carl Rogers and team at his “Cross-cultural Communications” workshops in El Escorial, (Spain), and Rome, (Italy), at the end of the 70s.
Three-year Hypnotherapy course (SFKH)
Trained in Milton Erickson’s “Utilisation Technique”, 1978
Trained in Symbol Drama by Ingrid Lundbäck and Hanscarl Leuner in Classical Symbol Drama
Introductory course in Symbol Drama with Marta Weston and Hans Grosin in Classical and Relational Symbol Drama 2012
EMDR, ETT and Lifespan Integration
Internal Family Systems (individual therapy)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, three years
Various multi-year Body Therapy courses
Holotropic Breathwork training GTT (Grof Transpersonal Training)
Supervisor training
Philosophical Counseling, a three-year course with Andrew Schneider, 13 years training in all with Schneider
Coaching course, Integro, Sigtuna
Certified by EUROTAS (European Transpersonal Association) as a Transpersonal Psychotherapist
Utvärderingsinstrumentet Hjulet, devised by Ben Shalit, further developed by Birgitta Reinfeldt


Able to provide psychotherapy treatment in English.

Read more here: presentation on healing in psychotherapy.