Psychodynamic psychotherapy

is a form of depth psychology derived from Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis. It is a theory and a method, as well as a relationship.


Psychodynamic therapy theory is based on the idea that people’s psyches have an unconscious existence. In other words, parts of our consciousness are out of reach of our daily awareness.

Another key element of this therapy is that our treatments do not only have a cause but also a meaning. The individual has a meaningful existence that constantly seeks to solve its basic problems, both in daily awareness and in dream state.

A third aspect of the treatment is the recognition that the individual is made up of many different parts that can be in conflict with one another.

Therapists that work with this method:

Peter Hagerrot
Mahnaz Taheri
Bo Wikström

The methods and relationships

used within psychodynamic therapy are primarily conversational. The existential meeting between therapist and client is typified by openness and unconditional exploration. The degree of connection and personal chemistry of the relationship is therefore important. After this initial focus, which provides a solid foundation on which to move forward, we work together from the present into the past. In this so-called transference relationship, the client becomes aware of deeper patterns and experiences from his or her past through the therapeutic dialogue.

Dream work, hypnosis, imaging, music, psychodynamic body therapy, symbolic drama, Lifespan Integration, and ego state work are methods that can accelerate, intensify and complement discussions within the therapeutic relationship.

The psychodynamic process

is characterised by a connection phase during which trust is established and a processing phase which focuses on working through, for example, feelings of inadequacy, conflict and trauma, (especially pain from the past). The focus of the connection phase is to review how both partners’ perceived the therapy, so as to evaluate how objectives have been achieved.

The client often experiences

the therapist as a neutral agent, a knowledgeable and engaged person who can provide crucial support when family and friends aren’t enough. The relationship is a secure environment that provides space to explore thoughts, feelings and behaviours to achieve personal transformation.

The search for reason ends at the shore of the known; on the
immense expanse beyond it only the sense of the ineffable
can glide.
We do not leave the shore of the known in search of adventure
or suspence or because of the failure of reason to answer our questions.
We sail because our mind is like a fantastic seashell, and when applying our
ear to it´s lips we hear a perpetual murmur from the waves beyond the shore.
Citizens of two realms, we all must sustain a dual allegiance…
Abraham Heschel; I asked for Wonder

“Life can be understood only by looking backwards,
but can only be lived by looking forwards.”
Sören Kierkegaard

“I seek the question to which human life is the answer.”
From The Master Ma by Willy Kyrklund


Piera Aulagnier : The Violence of Interpretation – From Pictogram to Statement
Eva Basch-Kåhre : Bortom Drifterna – En bok om psykoanalys och tro
Margareta Berg Brodén : Mor och Barn i Ingenmansland – Intervention under spädbarnsperioden
W.R. Bion : Eftertankar – Psykoanalytiska Studier
W.R. Bion : Seven Servants
Medard Boss : Psychoanalysis and Daseinanalysis
John Bradshaw : Healing the Shame that Binds You
Brazelton – Cramer . The Earliest Relationship
Clarke – Dawson : Growing Up Again – Parenting Ourselves Parenting Our Children
Louis Cozolino : The Making of a Therapist: A Practical Guide for the Inner Journey
Louis Cozolino : The Neuroscience of psychotherapy
David Cronenburg : A Dangerous Method – film om psykoanalysens födelse (2011)
Joan Didion : Ett År av Magiskt Tänkande
Caroline Eliacheff : På Kroppen På Skriket – psykoanalys med små barn

H.F. Ellenberger : The Discovery of the Unconscious
Per Olov Enquist : Nedstörtad ängel
W. R. D. Fairbairn: Psychoanalytic Studies of the personality
Peter Fonagy et al : Affect Regulation, Mentalization, and the Develpoment of the Self
Marianne Fredriksson : Den som vandrar om natten
John Gottman, Nan Silver : 7 Gyllne regler för En Lycklig Kärleksrelation
Stanislav Grof : Beyond the Brain – Birth, Death and Transcendence in Psychotherapy
Stanislav Grof : Människans Okända Världar
Steen Halling : Intimacy, transcendence and psychology. Closeness and openness in everyday life.
Erik Homburger Erikson : Den fullbordade livscykeln
Marya Hornbacher . Vansinnet – Mitt bipolära liv
Tove Jansson : Det osynliga barnet
Elgard Jonsson : Tokfursten
Dan Josefsson : Mannen som slutade ljuga
C.G Jung : The Practice of psychotherapy
Louise Kaplan : Oneness and Separateness – from infant to individual

Hans Kaatari : Symbolfunktion och mening – En undersökning av den psykoanaytiska psykoterapins artegna väsen (avhandling) 2008
Donald Kalsched : Trauma and the Soul – A psycho-spiritual approach to human development and it´s interruption
Per Lagerkvist : Gäst hos verkligheten
Iréne Matthis : Den Tänkande Kroppen
Iréne Matthis : Gräns och rörelse – Teman i Fransk psykoanalys
Ursula Nuber : Vår tids Egoism – Varför självförverkligande ofta leder till ensamhet
Nancy McWilliams : Psykoanalytisk diagnostik – Att förstå personlighetsstruktur
Donald Meltzer : The Claustrum – An Investigation of Claustrophobic Phenomena
Donald Meltzer : Den Psykoanalytiska Processen
Donald Meltzer : Dream-Life – A Re-examination of the Psycho-analytical Theory and Technique
Keith Oatley : Emotions – A Brief History
Thomas Ogden : Conversations at the Frontier of Dreaming
Dave Pelzer : Pojken som kallades Det – Ett barns kamp att överleva
Marcel Proust : Swanns Värld (N:r 1 av 7, På Spaning Efter den Tid som Flytt)
J-M Quinodoz : Att tämja ensamheten

Kay Redfield Jamison : Touched with Fire – Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament
David H. Rosen : Depression och skapande – Hur själen kan läkas genom Kreativitet
Barbro Sandins Disputation – fyra inlägg – Filosofisk och psykoanalytisk belysning av psykosen
Barbro Sandin : Den Zebrarandiga pudelkärnan
Ted Schröder : Det Omedvetna – en dröm om det äkta
Daniel Siegel : Parenting from the Inside out
Daniel Stern : Ögonblickets psykologi
Anthony Stevens : PRIVATE MYTHS – Dreams and Dreaming

Barbara Stevens Sullivan : The Mystery of Analytical Work – weavings from Jung and Bion
Henry David Thoreau : Civil Olydnad
Lars Tornstam : Gerotranscendens : A Developmental Theory of Positive Aging
Patricia Tudor-Sandahl : Den Fängslande Verkligheten
Tomas Videgård : The Success and Failure of Primal Therapy –
32 Patients Treated at the Primal Institute (Janov) –
Viewed in the Perspective of Object Relations Theory (avhandling)
Michael Washburn : Transpersonal Psychology in Psychoanalytic Perspective
Peter Weir : Döda Poeters Sällskap – film om den idealiserade självbilden
Kenneth Wide : Bildens helande kraft
Björn Wrangsjö : Mötas och växa
Irvin D. Yalom: Terapins gåva